The Essential Shift Teachings
Global center for human change*
Referred to as the most important insight of our times and by world renowned author and integral theorist Ken Wilber as the ‘only way we can solve challenges in the future’ the Essential Shift teachings show the inner human response to a world on fire.
We have procured the rights of the UN best selling book ‘An Urgent Plea from the Future’ by Richard Bowell that shows the way we can only transform the world by transforming ourselves first.
Developing this work alongside the Sustainable Development Goals working with Diplomats, Ambassadors and high level officers at the UN, Richard showed the essential shift in thinking towards not just fixing what is wrong in our world but in developing integral solutions for a new world.
Endorsed by leading figures in Science, Philosophy, NY Times best selling authors and Integral thinking theorists… Richard and his wife are bringing these teachings to Denmark at our invitation for a 9 month pilot project towards a longer term commitment.
What can we benefit a world in crisis if our level of thinking is the same as when we created the problems we now face?
There is a growing consciousness that our assumptions as humans living on the planet are unstable, not sustainable. To think that we can view the planet as an unlimited resources to exploit has proven to have devastating consequences.
The essential shift brings a realisation that we are here to bring ‘higher’ levels of thinking to the harmony of ourselves on the planet in a new evolving purpose is the only way forward.
‘Only as Conscious World Citizens can we embody a shift to a new level of thinking - a new perception of ourselves playing a different part in the future. We cannot think that our evolution on this planet is to just clear up the unfortunate consequcens of past behaviours.
At Universities, at the UN in business and around the world to the public, this work has proven to begin a new level of dialogue a new level of response, a new level of determination that we can have a positive impact as humans on this planet and that it begins inside ourselves where all can engage.
President of the Global center - Kay Dundorf
It is my honour and privilege as the President of the Global Center for human change to introduce Richard Bowell’s work to a country he has deep ties to. Not only is Richard’s wife Danish, but together they lived by the Queens Castle in Fredensborg (the subject of a Netflix film about their humanitarian work) and it is where Richard’s work was translated into danish and where he was a key note speaker at many major events.
For the first and second week in August, Richard will be available through our New York offices to meet with those charged to find next steps in our common address to the challenges of our times at Universities, in Business, with environmental groups and etc.
He will also be available to meet the Press.
Trusting in the future
Kay Dundorf - Global Center President
PS: Richard and Joan have also purchased a farm on the island of Moen as a second stage of their conscious living projects while exploring a similar project in the upstate New York area. This project will bring a focus on the progressive work being done in Denmark in the environment and in addressing the global challenges we face.
See the 17 SDGs plus one and their counterpart SDG Alignments that the UN Shared in 193 countries on our website:
Book a meeting or call or to make an enquiry:
President of the Global Center, Kay Dundorf;
Conscious World Living:
Contact: Writer, Philosopher, Richard Bowell:

*Conscious World Citizens is a project of the Global Center for Human Change, a New York based 501(C) (3) charity